Three SaaS CEOs in my Peer Groups Looking for Fractional CMOs

Three SaaS CEOs I advise are looking for fractional CMOs right now–or potentially senior new marketing leaders.

They each have growing software businesses with $2M-$5M ARR, but their marketing managers and specialists have taken them as far as they can go.

They each have achieved product-market fit and need help to build the foundations for the next phase of the growth heading to $10M ARR.

These are practical SaaS founders with bootstrapped and very lightly funded companies. They don’t have or want big VC funding, so no big budgets or crazy expectations.

  •  They need to develop another efficient lead gen channel in addition to the core channel that fueled their growth.
  •  They need strategic product marketing that can take their messaging and pricing from scrappy to solid.
  •  They need an integrated marketing team that measures, tests, plans, and optimizes for quality and efficiency.
  •  They need to stop looking like the scrappy startup newcomer and begin to ratchet up their credibility and look like a serious leader in their market.
  •  They don’t need someone to tell them to raise big money and spend it wildly.
  •  They already have marketing team members who can manage most of the day-to-day efforts, but new resources will probably be needed.

These are members of one of my Practical Founders Peer Groups with other serious SaaS founders who are growing their companies to $10M ARR and beyond–without big outside funding.

Are you a serious fractional SaaS marketing leader who can help?

Do you know an awesome strategic marketing consultant with an early-stage SaaS focus that you can recommend?

If so, please let me know in the comments below and then DM me. I’ll be putting a list of candidates together that they can review.

UPDATE TO THIS POST: I received 200+ referrals and 100+ DMs in just one afternoon. I may be slow to reply and your odds are not great at this point.



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