Practical Founders Build Valuable Software Companies Without Big Funding


The 7 Success Paths for Practical Founders:
Win the SaaS Startup Game Without Big Funding

I wrote this guide to show serious software founders like you all the possibilities of how you can win the startup game and do it your way. 

This 60-page ebook will help you choose the best path and drastically improve your odds of achieving your version of success.

Why Practical Founders?

There is a large but hidden tribe of practical founders who are growing valuable software companies without big funding. But all we hear about is the VC funding game and unicorn valuations. I want to change that and help more practical founders achieve their big prize and do it their way.

I’m Greg Head. I’m a 30-year veteran software entrepreneur who was part of the startup-to-scale journeys of three software companies in the CRM industry, including one IPO. Now I am an active advisor, instigator, and podcast host helping founders of practical SaaS software startups all over the world.


Get the support you truly need, from a community that understands you.

Each Practical Founders Peer Group is a serious forum for SaaS founders to work on their biggest challenges together and learn what’s working from each other. Every month you’ll learn something that will help you grow your business faster and make it more valuable.

There are currently 40 B2B SaaS CEOs from around the world in five Practical Founders Peer Groups.


Tune in to the Practical Founders Podcast for weekly in-depth interviews with founders who have built valuable software companies without big funding.

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Win the Startup Game Without VC Funding

Learn how all 75 founders on the Practical Founders Podcast created an average founder equity value of $50 million.