Over 5000 Software Companies listed on Gregslist.com

Gregslist started in Phoenix with 126 local software companies on the list in August 2016.

Now there are over 5,000 software and SaaS companies on Gregslist.com in 11 cities in 2021.

We also list all 2,500 new open SaaS jobs at those companies.

We add, update, and remove companies and jobs every week.

Gregslist is a free resource for select local tech communities to connect talent, investment, experts, and peers to the founders of the next wave of software companies that are creating our future.

It is used by thousands of people every month to find jobs, make investments, get connected, and to show off their growing local tech communities.

Thanks to the Gregslist team, our Gregslist local partners, and others who spread the word!


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