Why Bootstrapped SaaS Founders Need to Get Serious About SEO That Converts

Most practical SaaS founders want to do better with SEO to drive efficient revenue growth. More organic, less paid marketing. Who wouldn’t want that?

When it works, an inbound marketing strategy that combines organic search engine optimization and useful content will keep customer acquisition costs low.

The problem is that it usually doesn’t work well for founders who want quick revenue results from their content marketing investments.

Most startups aren’t attracting many new customers with SEO—other than those who searched for them by name.

So they waste time and money, then stop investing too soon.

Raj Khera is an experienced SaaS founder who used organic SEO marketing to drive efficient growth for the two software companies he bootstrapped, grew, and sold successfully.

Raj shared his founder journey in podcast episode #66 this summer.

Now Raj helps tech entrepreneurs and SaaS founders navigate the tricks and traps of modern SEO to acquire customers efficiently through organic search engine marketing.

Raj was my expert guest on the podcast this week. He explains clear strategies and specific tactics that SaaS founders can use to grow using SEO.

He also answers the most common questions I hear from smart founders about search engine marketing:

  •  How can SEO work for founders with “blue ocean” products?
  •  Where should founders start with SEO marketing?
  •  What simple SEO tools and techniques should we use
  •  What SEO approaches are working right now for SaaS startups?
  •  How can I avoid tactics that won’t drive revenue growth?
  •  How should we work with SEO marketing contractors and agencies?

SEO marketing with useful organic content should be a core part of the marketing engine for every practical SaaS founder, as Raj explains:

“SEO has the highest ROI of any form of marketing I have ever done. When you’re a practical founder, you’re looking for scrappy ways to build your business because you don’t have outside investment for extra cash. SEO is far more efficient.

“Founders who use SEO can grow their companies a lot faster because it is long-lasting traffic generation that compounds every year. With paid search ads, the leads stop when you stop buying the ads. SEO traffic and leads keep going for no additional cost.”

Listen and find links to useful resources on the Practical Founders Podcast.


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