
Let's Connect

Greg Head
Host of Practical Founders

Please connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a direct message there. I don’t use a contact form—too much spam. 

I want to talk to:

  • Practical founders who want to discuss their startup with me
  • Practical founders who have grown or sold their companies to be interviewed on the Practical Founder Podcast
  • Practical investors who invest in practical startups
  • Service providers who help practical founders
  • Fellow supporters of bootstrappers and practical startups
  • Podcast hosts who want to interview Greg Head
  • Folks from all over the world, not just from the U.S.

I don’t want to hear from:

  • Investors with big funds who chase unicorn-sized returns
  • Service providers who want to sell me something
  • Founders who want my help to raise funding
  • SEO link builders that want to post content on this website


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Win the Startup Game Without VC Funding

Learn how all 75 founders on the Practical Founders Podcast created an average founder equity value of $50 million.