Scaling Customer Support For SaaS Companies

How are fast-growing SaaS companies scaling up the human-powered customer success and customer support that can’t be automated? The tech talent crunch is real in every country around the world.

In this month’s Ask an Expert in-depth video interview, I ask SaaS customer support experts Piyush Parikh and Ashwin Bhadri the most common questions I hear from SaaS CEOs about scaling customer support in the most effective ways.

  1. What has changed SaaS customer support in the “post-” COVID era?
  2. How are SaaS companies handling the talent crunch to deliver consistent customer success as they grow?
  3. How are customer success and customer support different in SaaS companies?
  4. What are SaaS companies doing to scale customer support conversations efficiently as they grow?
  5. Are bots helpful for SaaS customers who have simple or complicated questions?
  6. What are the cost savings and customer satisfaction improvements that are typical with outsourced chat support?
  7. How long does it take to get an outsourced support team to be as productive as an internal team?
  8. Do you need documented support processes to get started with external support partners?

“With a multi-step support process, a human is needed, not simple automation, because they can handhold the customer through the steps with empathy. If you do a survey after an automated bot interaction, you’re not going to see as high of a response as with a real human chat interaction. Humans just respond better to other helpful humans. It’s as simple as that.” — Ashwin Bhadri, cofounder, Equinox Agents.

Equinox Agents is a leading outsourced live customer support chat provider for growing B2B SaaS companies. In 10 years, their team of over 100 agents has provided live human support with over 10 million chats for over 20 SaaS companies.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insider perspective. Piyush and Ashwin. And thanks for your support for Gregslist.

What other questions do you have about scaling customer SaaS support?

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