My Visit With a Practical Founder Friend in Edinburgh, Scotland

I’m traveling with my wife on holiday this week in Edinburgh, Scotland for the first time. One of the highlights of the trip was meeting an amazing practical SaaS founder I know from Edinburgh—Craig Letton, founder of MRM Global.

Last year, Craig asked for my advice on a few big challenges he faced. Then I interviewed him on the Practical Founders podcast this year.

We were like old friends when we met in person at a local pub in Edinburgh for a “pint of heavy”—local Scottish ale. We caught up on our ventures and learned more about each other as people.

Craig is an amazing entrepreneur who is building a seriously valuable software company based in a small country. The company serves big global brands in the massive drinks and spirits industries.

There’s something about the hard-working, adventurous, frugal, and unshakable Scottish spirit that Craig and his team have that have kept them going through Covid(s) and many other major setbacks.

Now they are turning into one of Scotland’s startup success stories as they grow bigger and bigger.

Craig was accepting an award at a local tech event later on the evening after we met. I read about MRM Global in the Scotsman newspaper that morning.

A few years ago it was a crazy small business adventure. Now it’s a growing global tech company making a big impact in their industry.

We spent two hours together chatting in the pub last week. I learned a lot about Edinburgh and Scotland that I couldn’t read in a travel guide.

Craig and his sales leader Scott Lambie also set me up with tickets for a local Scottish premier league football (soccer) match since I follow English football every week.

So I went to a Hearts match in Edinburgh and they won 6-1 to break a losing streak. I was a lucky charm, apparently. It was an amazing experience.

My wife and I are here in Scotland for a week and we’re having a marvelous time.

Thanks for taking time to visit, Craig. And thanks for your Scottish hospitality, Scott!



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