It’s Lonely to Grow a Software Company as the Founder and CEO

Practical founders often tell me something that they don’t talk about much:

It’s lonely being a software startup founder.

  • Your family and neighbors don’t have a clue what you really do.
  • You can’t talk about your really hard issues or deeper questions with your employees.
  • Since you aren’t trying to raise big outside funding, you don’t spend time with potential investors to get feedback on your vision or your tactical questions. And you’re not selling chunks of your company to buy their attention and advice.
  • You stopped going to local startup events with other founders and mentors because it was only about “How much are you raising?”
  • You’re up to your eyeballs actually building product, selling and serving customers, managing people, and getting sh*t done, so you don’t get out much.
  • Other CEO groups are nice but they don’t get the SaaS game at all.

Growing a company is always really hard.

And it’s harder to do without the support of trusted advisors who have played your specific game before.

It’s harder without being part of a trusted group of peers that are going through the same crazy hard stuff you are experiencing.

Founders with big funding can buy advice and support. And they are part of a club that hangs out together to support each other.

There isn’t much support for practical founders who aren’t raising big money or spending their equity to buy serious help.

I heard these requests over and over from practical founders I have talked to in the last few years.

That’s why I started three Practical Founders Peer Groups last year.

Three groups of serious SaaS founders who are creating valuable software companies without big funding.

One group is just practical founders with $1-10M ARR who are working on scaling up. They have product-market fit or are close. They just need to keep growing with their bigger teams.

The other two groups are practical founders with $30K-$1M ARR who are figuring out their first products, their real target customers, their sales model, and their messages. They are getting to PMF and growing early revenue.

It’s been going great for the founders. And I love curating the groups, moderating our monthly meetings, and being a 1-1 advisor to every founder.

These founders are growing their businesses steadily (without layoffs), solving the big challenges, and learning what they didn’t know about the SaaS growth game.

If you’re one of these founders, anywhere in the world, who wants to work on your business with other practical founders like you every month…

Check out my Practical Founders Peer Groups and apply today.

Enrollment is open now for one new group and additions to two of my existing groups.

These 15 open slots will fill up fast. Availability is limited.


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Win the Startup Game Without VC Funding

Learn how all 75 founders on the Practical Founders Podcast created an average founder equity value of $50 million.