The Marketing Strategy Story of How Infusionsoft Grew From $15M to $100M Revenues In 5 Years [PDF EBOOK]

From early 2011 to the end of 2015, I was the chief marketing officer of Infusionsoft (now called Keap) where I led the marketing group. I was part of an amazing team that helped grow this amazing startup into a world-changing software company.

During this time we grew between 25-50% a year, grew our customer base 10x, raised $100M venture capital, added hundreds of employees and thousands of partners. Even so, resources were never “unlimited” and we didn’t do more of everything. We had to be more strategic about what we were to the world and how we prioritized everything.

Surprisingly, during this growth phase went from being “many things to most small businesses” to just one thing for a certain group of small businesses. That sounds simple, but getting there required a deliberate strategy process and many hard decisions.

The secret that you can’t see from the outside was our discovery of what I call the “Scaling Point.” The Scaling Point is the single biggest point of leverage that can quickly create serious growth in any company or start-up. The Scaling Point framework we used ties together important strategies of positioning, product-market fit, brand story, your Why, differentiation, and even your unique selling proposition.

The story of how we used the Scaling Point process at Infusionsoft is explained in the ebook case study you can download in the ebook called The Infusionsoft Scaling Secret.

Most early-stage companies are looking for their Scaling Point. Few of them find it.  Infusionsoft ( is one of the few that discovered their Scaling Point, they put it into action and the results speak for themselves: growth from $15 million to $100 million in five years.

You might be wondering how the lessons of a $15 million venture-funded software company apply to your startup or smaller company. The Scaling Point potential exists in every company—but most don’t have the energy to make it to $15 million before they discover it.

Download the Infusionsoft ebook case study here.

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