Double Down To Accelerate Growth And Market Power

I have talked to dozens of founders and CEOs this month about their plans for 2021.

The most powerful words a founder can say about their plans next year: Doubling down.

“We will accelerate our growth by doubling down on …”

  • …the segment of customers who are happiest with our product
  • …the marketing channels and messages that work best
  • …the partnerships that actually create results
  • …the product features and customer experiences that deliver the most value

Doubling down means declaring your focus and concentrating your efforts.

Doubling down with investment and attention on the things that are working great.

Doubling down means being the best at fewer things, not doing more of everything.

Doubling down creates intensity and acceleration in your core business. And focused execution for your team.

  • What will you double down on next year in your business?
  • And what will you stop doing to make room for this?
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