Getting To $1M ARR in SaaS is Very Different than Growing to $10M ARR

The biggest questions and concerns of SaaS CEOs change as their companies grow.

Here are the most common issues I work on with founders I talk to every day by size and stage of the company:

Growth Founders – getting to $1M ARR with product-market fit

  • SaaS pricing
  • Ideal customer profile
  • Customer acquisition strategies and tactics
  • SaaS metrics
  • Hiring first employees in key roles
  • Efficient tactical execution
  • Time mgt and priorities
  • Business model variations
  • Learning from experiments
  • Staying sane and in action
  • Gaining leverage through focus
  • Is this investment worth it?
  • Self-funding investments before sustainable revenue
  • What’s working for _______

Scaling Founders – $1M-$10+M SaaS founders

  • Growing or replacing key leaders
  • Hiring and culture approaches
  • Expanding channels, regions, products, and market segments
  • Managing finances, legal, and operations
  • Handling investor and acquirer interest
  • Delegating, coordinating, and managing with bigger teams
  • Improving product and customer experience
  • Evolving the core strategy of the business
  • The evolving role of the CEO founder
  • Living their best life while running a company
  • What’s working for _____
  • End-game strategies to sell or keep growing the business

Yesterday I spoke with new practical SaaS founders in India, the UK, Canada, Dallas, Toledo, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and San Diego.

Several already have revenues of more than $3M a year; others are just getting started.

They are all creating valuable software companies without big funding. I know they would all become fast friends if they met in person.

Many of these founders are already in one of my Practical Founders Peer Groups that meet every month for deep discussions.


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Learn how all 75 founders on the Practical Founders Podcast created an average founder equity value of $50 million.