Practical Founders Blog

Practical Growth

A New Wave of 10X Better Software is Coming

A new wave of AI-powered features and products is bringing back the word "magical" to software. This has happened with every new wave of tech since the beginning of PCs and Macs. Remember how many times Steve Jobs said "magical" in his ...

It’s Harder to Win the LinkedIn Content Game

More people resolved to post almost daily on LinkedIn this January, as they did last year at the same time. You can see it and feel it. This means there is MUCH more content on LinkedIn, but about the same number of people to see it. AI ...

Everything is a Niche of a Niche…of a Niche

Don't feel bad when someone tells you your startup serves "just a niche." It's actually a compliment. Everything is a niche of a niche...of a niche. This is an old put-down in startup-land, especially from institutional investors ...

Bootstrapped CEOs Can Choose to Grow Big Slowly

One of the biggest differences between bootstrapped software companies and their VC-funded peers is their time frames. Most venture funds have a 7-10 year time horizon. The companies they back need to grow fast and sell in under 10 years to win ...

Why Chik-fil-A Doesn’t Sell Hamburgers

Why doesn't Chik-fil-A sell hamburgers? Chick-fil-A is the 3rd largest fast-food restaurant chain in the US, behind McDonald’s and Starbucks. They just sell chicken sandwiches. $17 billion of them a year. Chick-fil-A doesn’t sell ...

Successful Software CEOs Say NO More Than YES

The most successful founders and CEOs say NO more than everyone else. How does that work? Doesn't having a bigger business allow you to say YES more often? You'd think so, but it doesn't work that way. Experienced entrepreneurs, big business ...

Grow Faster By Saying No To Bad-Fit Customers

"One big reason we were successful is that we identified our ideal customer profile early, and we owned it, and then we really targeted them. "When you can start saying NO is when your trajectory starts taking off. "In the beginning, you’re ...

Entrepreneurs Are Both Optimistic And Realistic

Entrepreneurs are optimistic. They find hard problems and think "I could fix that." Normal people don't do this. Most people run into problems or frustrations and just think "that sucks." A big part of any entrepreneurial opportunity is the ...

Use The 10% Rule To Spend Less And Grow Faster

One of the most useful tools I use in entrepreneurship and marketing is The 10% Rule. I use it every day. It works like magic well when looking at any market or any set of execution results. It's like the 80/20 Rule of the Pareto Principle, ...

When Should A Founder Go Big And Bet It All?

I caught up with a founder friend yesterday to hear about his new Web3 startup that uses blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFT technologies. We last spoke when we both lived in Phoenix a few years ago. Now I'm in Dallas and he's somewhere ...

This SaaS Company Grew Faster By Saying No

A founder I advise just sent their annual 2021 investor report today. They grew from $1.8M ARR to almost $5M ARR this year. This means the value of the company more than doubled too. I'm a happy investor in this software company. They are ...

TAM Is A Sham For Practical Founders

"How big is your potential market?" is an interesting question. But it's not very helpful to software startup founders. Here's what's actually useful: "What's the fastest way to get 100 or 1000 extremely happy customers who pay you and ...

All Startups Need To Play A Category Game

"Why do we need to worry about our category as a startup right now?" That's a common question. The category game is not for every business. Small businesses play in existing categories. Big businesses dominate categories that are already ...

The Myth of Scaling With A Wide Net

I have been looking for an example of a successful company that started "wide" by being many things to many people and then grew from there without focusing. I have been looking for 20 years. I still haven't found one. It's totally ...

Which Of The 3 Category Games Are You Playing?

Every buyer categorizes everything they buy, including your product or service. Every company is playing one of only three category games. The first rule of the game is to know which game you are playing, but most startups and growth ...

How Is Marketing Different Than Sales?

A salesperson selling face to face can find a customer problem and then select one of their many solutions to solve that problem. That's how sales works: "We can fix your specific problem from our menu of solutions." That's not how marketing ...

Why Chick-Fil-A Doesn’t Sell Hamburgers

Chick-fil-A is now the 3rd largest fast-food restaurant chain in the country, behind McDonald's and Starbucks. They just sell chicken sandwiches. $13 billion of them a year. Chick-fil-A doesn’t sell hamburgers. Their average revenue ...

The Biggest Myth About Marketing

All of us experience marketing all day long, almost everywhere we look. Surprisingly, this causes most people think they understand the marketing game. That’s like eating a nice meal at a restaurant and proclaiming you can cook it yourself ...

Hard Lines Create Long Lines

When I see a movie or a painting, I see the result of what someone created. I don’t think much about how it was made. I don’t understand it like someone who studied art or made a movie. When I see a website, ad, sales pitch or product ...

How I Got Great PR Results On The Second Try

Public Relations is one of the trickier parts of the marketing game. It’s not like digital advertising or email marketing, where you can push a button and make measurable things happen right away. A year ago, I hired a savvy PR agency to ...

Beware the Startup ADD Trap

Discovering and executing on your Scaling Point is a necessary requirement for growing a little company into a big one. But why is it so rare? There are two reasons why Startup ADD is an almost universal disease that is very hard to ...

Your Business Is Defined By What You Say No To

Your audience doesn’t always hear you as clearly as you think they do. What your business is and why it exists may be clear in your head, but most entrepreneurs are surprised when they ask their prospects, customers and even their own ...

Every CEO Needs to Know Digital Marketing Basics

Remember the old days when marketing resulted in printed material you could touch and feel? Just 10 years ago, the majority of marketing artifacts included printed brochures, product packaging, magazine advertisements and direct mail letters. ...

Rule #1 – Make a Great Freaking Product

Imagine a world where people don’t listen to what your business says about your new product: they only listen to what other people say. A world where there are hundreds (or thousands) of choices for almost every product. Where every buyer ...

The Target Market Trap

Ambitious entrepreneurs naturally aim to create large companies in large markets. They make their plans, build their newfangled products, assemble scrappy teams and then set out on their holy quests to be big winners. But most startups don’t ...

Improve Your Website Using Google Analytics

Do you know what visitors are doing on your website each week? Where did these visitors come from? Which pages did they think were most important? Which search terms brought them to you? Using Google Analytics, the popular and free website ...

The Two Most Important Questions

Think about it: Who is your customer? What does this customer value? These are two of Peter Drucker’s “Five Most Important Questions” for your organization. I often find myself returning to Drucker's questions in strategic discussions about ...

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell – Book Summary

Outliers is the latest book from best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell. He also wrote The Tipping Point, one of my favorite marketing books. Gladwell is an astute social researcher and a master storyteller. His other books and his columns in The ...

Marketing Communications is Getting Harder

The marketing communications challenge is getting harder, not easier. Why? Because there are more communications channels than ever. Each channel you use requires time, effort and some expense. And it’s not easy to be proficient with so many ...

Create Websites Using CMS Platforms

It used to take considerable expense to create a high-quality company Website, even for small businesses. I just finished a project that confirms that popular and inexpensive Website creation tools are taking much of the development cost and ...

Simplify the Message

One of the hardest things for entrepreneurs to tackle is the definition of their core business "positioning." Positioning is known by many names - your focus, your marketing strategy, your elevator pitch, your business description. This ...